Usai berjaya di netbook dan berekspansi ke prosesor mobil, kini Intel Atom bakal melanjutkan dominasi ke jajaran ponsel pintar. Dengan segudang fitur yang dibawanya, Intel mengklaim produk ini akan sangat tangguh.
Prosesor tersebut adalah keluarga Intel Atom z6xx yang akan dikawinkan dengan Intel Platform Controller Hub MP20 dan dedicated Mixed Signal IC tersendiri. Dengan demikian, Intel mengklaim platform baru yang ditawarkan mereka bakal mengkonsumsi energi lebih rendah serta handal menjalankan beragam konten digital.
“Intel telah mengantarkan produk pertamanya yang membukakan pintu bagi Intel Arsitektur (IA) dalam segmen pasar smartphone,” ujar Anand Chandrasekher, Senior Vice President Intel dan General Manager Ultra Mobility Group.
Intel juga mengklaim bahwa prosesor mobile yang mereka miliki sanggup berlari hingga kecepatan 1,5 Ghz. Jika benar demikian, bisa jadi ini merupakan jajaran prosesor tercepat yang bakal hadir untuk ponsel, terlebih lagi produk ini telah bersifat System on Chip (SoC).
Platform SoC milik Intel sendiri dan telah menggabungkan core prosesor Atom 45nm dengan grafis 3D, encode dan decode video, serta memory controller dalam satu kemasan (chip). Sehingga dapat menghemat daya serta membuat perangkat jadi lebih ringkas.
Selain itu, platform ini juga telah mendukung beragam fitur seperti Wi-Fi, 3G/HSPA, WiMAX, dan juga berbagai sistem operasi lainnya, termasuk Android, Meego dan Moblin.
Source : (Detik)
Dipicu ketertarikannya pada hidrodinamika dan kesulitan penyelesaian persamaan diferensial parsial nonlinier yang digunakan, Von Neumann kemudian beralih dalam bidang komputasi. Sebagai konsultan pada pengembangan ENIAC, dia merancang konsep arsitektur komputer yang masih dipakai sampai sekarang. Arsitektur Von Nuemann adalah komputer dengan program yang tersimpan (program dan data disimpan pada memori) dengan pengendali pusat, I/O, dan memori.
berdasarkan beberapa definisi di atas, maka komputasi modern dapat diartikan sebagai suatu pemecahan masalah berdasarkan suatu inputan dengan menggunakan algoritma dimana penerapannya menggunakan berbagai teknologi yang telah berkembang seperti komputer.
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The word "computer" first in to the public in 1613, this refers to the arithmetic calculations and the word "computer" used in the sense that until the mid-20th century. From the late 19th century and finally the meaning of computer into a computing machine.
History of the modern computer begins with two separate technologies-automatic calculation and can be in the program, but no single device that can be said even as the computer, because some of the inconsistent application of the term. Examples of early mechanical calculating devices included the abacus (which comes from approximately 150-100 BC). A hero of Alexandria (about 10-70 AD) built a mechanical theater which was held to play lasts 10 minutes and operated by a complex system of ropes and drums which are used as a means to decide part of the mechanism. This is the essence of programmability.
one of the figures who have influenced the development of modern computing is John von Neumann (1903-1957), he was a scientist who laid the foundations modern.Von Neumann computer has become the great scientists of the 21st century. Von Neumann gave a variety of contributions in the fields of mathematics, quantum theory, game theory, nuclear physics, and computer science are channeled through their works. He also is one of the scientists involved in the manufacture of atomic bombs at Los Alamos during World War II past.
A brief history of the life journey of Von Neumann, was born in Budapest, Hungary on December 28, 1903 by Janos Neumann name. He was the first child of the couple Neumann Miksa and Kann family Margit.Nama placed in front of the original name. So in English, the name his parents became Max Neumann. At Max Neumann holds, then the name was changed to Von Neumann. After a doctorate in legal studies, he became a lawyer for a bank. In 1903, Budapest is the cradle of human genius of science, writers, artists and musicians.
Von Neumann studied various places and some place in Berlin and Zurich. In that place he earned a diploma in chemical engineering in 1926. In the same year he earned a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Budapest. Von Neumann's expertise lies in the field of game theory that gave birth to the concept of cellular automata, the atomic bomb technology, and modern computing who later gave birth to the computer. His genius in the field of mathematics has seen little since to be able to disburse the eight-digit numbers (figures) in the head.
He has taught in Berlin and Hamburg, Von Neumann moved to America in 1930 and worked at Princeton University at the same time Von Neumann became co-founder of the Institute for Advanced Studies.
Von Neumann was very interested in the settlement of hydrodynamics and the difficulty of nonlinear partial differential equations are used, Von Neumann and then shift in the computing field. Von Neumann was a consultant on the development of ENIAC computer, he designed the concept of computer architecture which is still used today. Von Nuemann architecture is a set of computers with stored programs (programs and data stored in memory) with the central controller, I / O, and memory.
Here are some examples of modern computing until the birth of ENIAC:
• Konrad Zuse's electromechanical "Z machines". Z3 (1941), a first machine displays the binary arithmetic, including floating point arithmetic and the size of programmability. In 1998, the Z3, the world's first operational computer was regarded as Turing complete.
• Next Non-programmable Atanasoff-Berry Computer, discovered in 1941 in this device using vacuum tube based computation, binary numbers, and regenerative regenerative memory kapasitor.Penggunaan memory is allowed to become much more uniform (size large table or desk).
• Furthermore Colossus computer was invented in 1943, capable of limiting the ability of the program on this device indicates that the device using thousands of tubes could be used better and this reprogrammable.Komputer electronics used to decode the German war.
• The Harvard Mark I found in 1944, has a large scale, an electromechanical computer to the limited programmability.
• So was born the U.S. Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory ENIAC was invented in 1946, the computer is used fatherly calculate decimal arithmetic and is usually called general purpose first electronic computer (ENIAC was successively a generation that has been highly developed in her time since the first computer Konrad Zuse 's Z3 found 1941).
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Perangkat genggam Blackberry terintegrasi pada sistem e-mail yang terorganisasi melalui paket perangkat lunak yang disebut Blackberry Enterprise System (BES). BES dapat digunakan oleh jaringan e-mail yang berbasis Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, dan Novell Group Wise. Khusus pada pengguna individu, mereka dapat menggunakan layanan e-mail nirkabel yang disediakan oleh provider tanpa harus menginstalasi BES. Para pengguna individu dapat menggunakan Blackberry Internet Solution tanpa harus menginstalasi BES di smartphone mereka. BES memang ditujukan bagi pelanggan korporasi dengan cakupan usaha yang besar. Perangkat lunak ini mengintegrasikan seluruh smartphone Blackberry pada suatu organisasi dengan sistem perusahaan yang telah ada. Keuntungan yang diperoleh adalah memperluas komunikasi nirkabel dan data perusahaan kepada pengguna aktif dengan cara yang aman.
BPS merupakan komunikasi nirkabel dan kolaborasi solusi bagi usaha kecil dan menengah. Ia menghadirkan berbagai fitur yang dibutuhkan karyawan, dalam sebuah paket yang mudah dipasang dan harga yang lebih murah.
Perangkat lunak yang diperuntukkan bagi pengguna pribadi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengintegrasikan smartphone dengan 10 akun e-mail yang berbasis Post Office Protocol (POP3) dan Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), menerima dan mengirim pesan instan, serta berselancar di Internet. Dengan BIS, kita juga dapat membuka tambahan data (attachment) dalam bentuk excel, word, powerpoint, pdf, zip, jpg, gif dengan tingkat kompresi data yang tinggi.
sebuah aplikasi optimisasi pengembangan kerangka kerja untuk BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, menyediakan Anda sebuah alat pengembangan untuk membangun, menyebarluaskan, serta mengatur interaksi antara BlackBerry smartphones dan aplikasi perusahaan.
mata kuliah : Pengantar Komputasi Modern